Thursday 7 January 2010

Due Date Tomorrow but No News Yet....

I just finished my second cup of raspberry leaf tea for the day. I read about its uterine stimulating qualities in one of my pregnancy updates and kept meaning to buy some. I didn’t get around to it until earlier this week, so hopefully I’m not too late to reap its supposed rewards!

I know that less than 4% or so of babies are born on their due date. Still, I can’t help the emotional and mental attachment I’ve developed about has been my lighthouse on the horizon, the destination circled in red on my pregnancy map, the day that I’m expecting to meet my baby.

I’ve been known to say “never expect anything.” Now is about the time I take my own advice. I feel like a ticking bomb that could go off any moment. Hopefully this tea will help! Friends also have suggested a mix natural labor inducing activities like cuddling, hot curry, sex, walking, climbing stairs, castor oil and, ahem, ingesting semen... Suffice to say, some of these suggestions are more appealing than others! Anyone else have any others to share?

It also doesn’t help that the recent cold front has turned my road to a solid sheet of ice and left me housebound. You know I like to get out and about in some respect daily and this weather is totally cramping my style....not bringing on period-like labor cramps....grrrr. But I’m not stir crazy or anything....just a picture of calm. I’m certain the oxytocin must be flowing. I told Chris this weather will most likely secure our home birth but that he may be doing the delivery if the midwives can’t get here in time. But maybe I shouldn’t joke about such things...

Meanwhile, Chris and I are not the only ones in suspense. Calls, texts and emails are rolling in daily from family and friends wishing me well and asking about progress. Thank you everyone – I wish I had exciting news to share but as of now, I don’t. I will keep you posted, I promise.

So home alone, I chat to the little lady and encourage her to make herself known. I’ve let her know she may be real cozy in there, but that she’ll still be close to me once she comes out. In fact, LH shared this Times 2 article with me on the benefits of baby slings, which we both have and are excited about trying out. Interestingly, the article also discusses the popularity of sling movement in the USA alongside its growing popularity here in the UK. Provided Chris and I can get ours strapped on properly, I’m hoping our Sleepy Wrap (pictured) may prove soothing to our little lady. So far she’s not buying this argument but I’ll keep on trying and maybe she'll come out to play.
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