Sunday, 23 August 2009

Halfway There!

Friday I reached 20 weeks - the official halfway point of my pregnancy. Time is flying!

Our baby is now about 6.5 inches long and about 10.5 ounces, about the length of a banana. We have our 20 week scan this week so we're soon to find out if baby is a little boy or a little girl - exciting!! I used to claim I'd never find out the sex before birth but once pregnant that idea went right out the window!

Reaching the midway milestone makes pregnancy all the more real - aside from the fact I can regularly feel our little acrobat, it's now dawning on me that soon, really soon, it will no longer be just Chris and me. We've lived together for almost 7 years now. Our 11pm trips to Ikea, joint runs/gym trips and nights out on the town with only Rico's timer food dish to organize will soon be a distant memory. I am ready to be a mom and I want to do the job well; I am prepared to make sacrifices, change my routines, put our baby as first priority. But Chris and I both still want to maintain our senses of self and how exactly we'll achieve that with baby is something we just don't know and probably won't know until January. We tell ourselves that we'll integrate our new addition into our lifestyle and continue to travel, socialize, be active, etc and I hope we can stick to this AND be good, engaged parents.

This will be food for thought as we navigate the second half of my pregnancy - I guess between talking to experienced parents, reading up on newborn care and bearing in mind our own situation we'll find a groove that works for us. But aside from these grand questions, I need to get down to the basics - how many times a day does a baby feed and need diaper changes; do I buy reusable or disposable diapers or a mix; how long are you supposed to breastfeed for, what do we NEED to buy and what is just market temptation.....??? Yup, we've got a steep learning curve ahead....but as I keep saying, bring it on!
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