Thursday 27 January 2011

Happy 1st Birthday LLC!

It’s hard to believe that at this time last year, after so much waiting, I was finally had a baby. Fast forward one year, and that baby is not so much a baby anymore.

Time does go by quickly. Sometimes I still look at LLC and can’t quite believe that she’s Chris and mine – that we made her – that’s still very amazing to me. What I do know without a doubt is that she has filled our lives with more happiness, challenge and love over this last year then we could ever have imagined.

She’s so cute at the moment, I want to freeze frame my memories of the now so that I never forget what my one year-old LLC is like. I asked my parents today if they could remember me at this stage and they said yes. I responded that now I understand how they love me.

So who is the one year-old LLC?

She’s feisty, determined and not easily deterred. She loves to bounce on her knees to music and wave her hands. She babbles a lot, often in crescendo style, so I don’t forget to listen. She has a good attention span and will spend half an hour moving wooden blocks in and out of a tub, or the seat of her toy car. She’s not walking yet but has been cruising around our furniture on her feet for awhile now – she recently stood once on her own for about 4 seconds. She loves Morris the Monkey and Bumper the Bunny and sleeps with them every night. She also loves books, animals (particularly our cat Rico) and eating food, even when it does not belong to her! (Last week she stole a rice cake off a little friend and devoured it). Today she ate pancakes with a fork for breakfast. She’s fairly adept with utensils, but I need to remind her that she can do herself damage with a fork if she’s not careful. She doesn’t like morning cuddles, having her face wiped, the baby whose eyes open and shut that she received for Christmas or being restrained by the straps of a highchair. She’s often independent but at the same time more noticeably attached to me than she used to be. She’s just learned how to kiss me back, and if in the right mood, will point out my nose, eyes and ears as requested. She’s my little ray of sunshine.

Happy 1st Birthday LLC!

Happy 1st Birthday LLC!
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